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Nature's Bouquet

Turns Your TV into a Video Bouquet.


Nature's Bouquet brings the essence of springtime into your home!

Radiant Roses...Delicate Daisies...Magnificent Marigolds...Tender Tulips...and Swaying Sunflowers soothe the soul and please the eye as they burst from your screen in a COLORFUL VIDEO BOUQUET OF WONDERMENT! Each blossom is captured in exquisite detail by award winner RON ROY under natural "GOLDEN LIGHT" and edited in graceful slow motion... to make every flower "REACH OUT" to the beholder! Accompanied by the World's Greatest Romantic Classics... Soothing original MOODTAPES melodies... and springtime's relaxing sounds of nature... creating the Perfect Video for a Lifetime of Enjoyment... and the Ideal Gift!

Produced and Directed by RON ROY
Videography by RON ROY
Original Music by FRANK JOSEPHS & RON ROY
Additional Original Music
Composed, Arranged, & Performed
by Eric Bikales
Approximately One Hour